My great grandfather Pietro D'Angeli, at his home in Oakland, CA,
probably around 1930. Pietro was my paternal grandmother, Irma's, father.
probably around 1930. Pietro was my paternal grandmother, Irma's, father.
Born in Italy in 1877, family lore has it that, as a young man, Great Grandpa D'Angeli worked smuggling chocolate and stamps from Switzerland into Italy. In the early 1900s, when it came time for him to enter the mandatory military service, he was afraid they would arrest him so he immigrated (illegally) to the US by way of South America. He landed in San Francisco the day before the great earthquake of 1906. After the earthquake they gave him a rifle and told him to guard a part of the city. Instead, he threw down the rifle and "escaped" to Oakland, vowing to never return to San Francisco, which he deemed "too dangerous." He worked as a street-car mechanic, on College Avenue, in Oakland, for most of his life, building a home for his family there, in the Rockridge district. He proudly walked to and from work daily, and each evening carried home the family's supply of wood for the wood-burning stove in their kitchen.